Monday, December 12, 2016

The American Dream

“Make America Great Again!” Trump says and the liberals scoff that America was never that great. But I wonder if America was ever anything or just a big fat lie. Surprise! We’ve hypernormalized and without a single dime, (though trillions went into marketing) we made virtual reality! No computers needed. You just have to buy into the Dream.

Lula, Lula why don’t you kiss me Lula.

Pay no mind to the black men dying on the streets. Or the gay bar thumping thumping thumping to the gunshot beats. Vote a clown into the office and ignore that glass ceiling. I’m sure it wasn’t there for anything. Buy the Dream, tweet, tweet, tweet to all your friends like it will make a fucking difference. American became a big fat lie when metaphors became the only language we could speak.

Don’t lie baby, you is color blind

Well, I don’t care about your identity politics, your ratios of skin. I’m too scared to say everything is ok and the only good news I’ve heard all week is that the water is safe in Dakota.

My birthday was yesterday and among the Happy Birthdays and well wishes was a call to rebellion.

“If your parents are happy with chu’ then you’re doing it wrong.”

The whole world is wrong, with every day making less and less sense. When did the internet become corporate fuel, when did nothing become the new norm. It’s like this whole country is turning into a black hole and no one wants to do anything but scream. The 1950’s are back again with the new big dream. Lula had a baby, and now we are back to Eisenhower, Ronald Regan, and the big fat lie that tweets.

And among all this the world is going to die. Don’t forget that clock ticking over our heads. China’s spitting gas like a smoker on a pack of cigarettes and somehow we still haven’t solved world hunger though it isn’t a problem with food. But maybe that’s too big a concept for your tiny brain so let's keep it #relatable.

#When my mama’s going to die
                                                                        #when the river is dry                     #i’ve got no food today                     #they took my gay uncle away                       
                                                                                                            #can’t go outside without gas mask                                    #outside trump tower                                                                         #too much gold to see

Will we still be tweeting when the world ends? Snap chatting our skin covered in ash and blood with a gun to our head? Will firestorms with Potus lead to death? Or will we all be hooked to the American Dream, IV drips filled with Mountain Dew and Opioids, jacked up on the new Call of Duty.

Feeling impotent but powerful.

“Fuck the American Dream,” someone whispered one day. No one heard it but that was more then we were willing to try.

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